Alternatives to Vantage Infloor Cleaning
If in-floor cleaning is not in your budget, we actually have two other options that we can clean the pool. The most basic one is suction cleaners. A suction cleaner is connected into your skimmer box. You need to pull that in and out as is required. The second one is robotic cleaning, which is absolutely fantastic as well. It does a full diagnostic of the pool, climbs the wall and does a thorough cleaning of your pool. Similarly to a suction cleaner, you need to do quite a lot of work. Robotic cleaner needs to be brought out of your shed, put into the pool, turned on, later on, you need to pull it out (heavy, full of water) and clean. These are two other options that we can look at as well.
If you’re thinking about the pool cleaning systems and intelligent features your pool could have, I suggest you read our article on smart pools – swimming pools of the future.