Solar Pool Heating
Other common questions people ask me is heating. Heating is pretty important in a swimming pool, especially in Victoria where we get four seasons in one day. The first type of pool heating I’m going to speak about is solar heating. And solar heating is traditional for a swimming pool. I would say probably 80% of the pools would have solar heating. Solar heating, matting is actually put on the roof where we have water coming from the pool going up to the top of the roof where the sun actually heats it up and then goes back into the swimming pool.
Gas Heating
Two, we have gas heating. Gas heating requires a gas line to where the filtration system is positioned. Now gas heating can be used any time of the year. We can use it in winter and obviously, we can use it in summer. We’re not reliant on the sun. If you’ve got a spa, then of course you have to have gas heating or some type of heating to heat that spa. But traditionally, gas heating is the number one heating source there.
Electric Heat Pumps
And the third one we have is heat pumps. Now they’ve been around for a little while. They’re becoming more popular as the roof space is now being taken up from a lot of PVC solar panels. So heat pump is like a reversed air conditioning unit. Once again, it’s not weather related. So if it’s 16 degrees outside, it can actually be still producing heat for you. Highly recommend a thermal blanket or a blanket of some source when using a heat pump.